The Dallas Birdification Society is a fictional society dedicated to Dallas’s urban population of Blackland Prairie birds. Members of the group collect and convert found wood into birdhouses. These birdhouses are placed in public spaces around Dallas with an accompanying yard sign which shares information about the project. Viewers are invited to request a birdhouse for a location near them by visiting the website www.dallasbirds.org. The found wood limits the available design choices for each birdhouse and pushes the houses towards the aesthetics of folk art and resourcefulness.

The yard sign for the Dallas Birdification Society shares information and is designed following the City of Dallas style guide for official signage. On the government’s website, the guide says that non-governmental organizations may use the City of Dallas logo if it is clear that the organization does not represent the city. By including the logo on the yard sign, the society attempts to imbue the project with a sense of officialness and leverage confusion to extend the lifetime of the birdhouse. But to respect the instructions of the style guide, the sign includes a disclaimer in the top left corner: “The Dallas Birdification Society is not associated with, part of, or a subsidiary of the City of Dallas.”

Currently in progress, 2024.